Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weight Loss Update

I know, I know I am so slack. I haven't taken the timeto blog. I have been so busy with work and my newest taks at home-cooking. Yes, you read right. I have been cooking. It gets even better. I plan a menu, shop for the food, and cook it. I have been using some Weight Watcher's recipes and the family has been loving them! I think they are just happy I am cooking again. Hopefully I will get some of our favs posted this weekend. (That is if I can put down my Mary Higgins Clark book.)

Anyway, I have been at WW now 7 weeks and have been losing slow and steady. As of yesterday I have lost a total of 13.8 pounds. My clothes are starting to get looser and people are starting to notice. I feel better that's for sure.

As far as my exercise adventure, I have been continuing with my step aerobics and Zumba classes. I also have been doing pilates and Taebo in the comfort of my livingroom. The dogs sit and watch me like I have lost my mind. This past Monday, I took a Yoga class. I was very happy the lights were off. It was very challenging. Last night and today I am really feeling it. I am sure I was hillarious in the poses. I didn't know my body could move in that way.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Down another 1.6 pounds!

Yay me! I lost another 1.6 pounds for a total of 8 pounds. This week I tried Pilate's and loved it. I went to the Saturday class called "Stretch and Flex" thinking it would be a nice gentle class that would teach me some stretches. I was surprised to find out it was actually a Pilate's class. Now, if it had been named Pilate's, I probably wouldn't have gone. The only Pilate's I have done was in the privacy of my own home and could wimp out at my own pace. I stuck it out, and was very sore Sunday and Monday, then I went back to another class last night. I think I will stick with these instead of Body Pump for now. I also went to Zumba. This is also an awesome class for cardio. You should give it a try. My goal this week is 2 Pilate's classes and 2 Zumba classes. So far I'm halfway there.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weight Loss

Well the biggest project I am currently undertaking is WEIGHTLOSS. Again for the umteenth time. This time I am doing it correctly, no more fad diets or quick cures. I joined WeightWatchers and as a family we joined the YMCA. I have had success before with WW and hope this will also be true this time. At Hospice, we have started the At Work Program. I am hoping it will be the key in keeping me going to my meetings. Before, I found it too easy to slack off and eventually stop going. I am also hoping the friendly competition will keep me motivated. I havwn't nailed down an exercise routine. I have been to a couple of group fitness classes, which were quite hilarious. I also have been to Body Pump, which is painful but awesome. One thing I have learned from the group fitness classes is NOT to follow the skinny people. So far I have lost 6.4 pounds. (Yay me) My goal for this session is 34 pounds (an average of 2 pounds a week), my over all goal is 68 pounds. I hope to accomplish this in smaller increments of 10 pounds each. I hope to get some "before" pics up soon, well maybe not until I have some "during" pics to post too.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My First Post

The most exciting thing to happen to us this week is the Jo Bros Concert! Sydney, myself, my best friend Tiffany and her daughter, Sami went on Tuesday. It was a LONG hot day, but totally worth it in the end! We got to the Verizon store in Concord at about 11:30. We waited and waited and waited to meet Demi Lavato. She is the girl from Camp Rock, Syds latest favorite Disney movie. It was hot and crowded. I thought the girls were going to have a heat stroke and I got sunburned. At 2:00, the doors were opened. We inched our way in and finally got to meet her! It was Sami's first celebrity meet, so the wait was worth it to see her reaction. The staff had it very organized and it moved quickly. I wasn't able to take pictures because I had to choose, autograph or picture. I chose to get my niece, Brayley, an autographed poster. Demi was so cute, sweet, and bubbly. She seemed thrilled to talk to each and every little girl. Well, after that we went to Concord Mills and walked around. The girls got almost matching T-shirts. Syd's had Nick and Sami's had Joe. We went to Verizon Wireless Amphitheater for the concert. First up was Demi Lavato, and she did really good. Next was Avril Lavinge, who was awesome. I was pleasantly surprised she kept the songs clean and pretty much curse free. Her stage set was really cool. Last was the Jonas Brothers. They were amazing. It was really neat to see how much they improved since we saw them with Hannah Montana last November. They had so much energy and their stage set up was awesome. I kidded Sydney that it was a Nick Jonas concert because he stole the show. They sang their hearts out. Joe did flips and jumps and didn't get hurt. Kevin was ever elusive, moving constantly and made it difficult for me to take pics. We got home at 1:00 am and couldn't get to sleep until after 2:00 am. I feel so lucky to have been able to take the girls to see it.