Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Down another 1.6 pounds!

Yay me! I lost another 1.6 pounds for a total of 8 pounds. This week I tried Pilate's and loved it. I went to the Saturday class called "Stretch and Flex" thinking it would be a nice gentle class that would teach me some stretches. I was surprised to find out it was actually a Pilate's class. Now, if it had been named Pilate's, I probably wouldn't have gone. The only Pilate's I have done was in the privacy of my own home and could wimp out at my own pace. I stuck it out, and was very sore Sunday and Monday, then I went back to another class last night. I think I will stick with these instead of Body Pump for now. I also went to Zumba. This is also an awesome class for cardio. You should give it a try. My goal this week is 2 Pilate's classes and 2 Zumba classes. So far I'm halfway there.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weight Loss

Well the biggest project I am currently undertaking is WEIGHTLOSS. Again for the umteenth time. This time I am doing it correctly, no more fad diets or quick cures. I joined WeightWatchers and as a family we joined the YMCA. I have had success before with WW and hope this will also be true this time. At Hospice, we have started the At Work Program. I am hoping it will be the key in keeping me going to my meetings. Before, I found it too easy to slack off and eventually stop going. I am also hoping the friendly competition will keep me motivated. I havwn't nailed down an exercise routine. I have been to a couple of group fitness classes, which were quite hilarious. I also have been to Body Pump, which is painful but awesome. One thing I have learned from the group fitness classes is NOT to follow the skinny people. So far I have lost 6.4 pounds. (Yay me) My goal for this session is 34 pounds (an average of 2 pounds a week), my over all goal is 68 pounds. I hope to accomplish this in smaller increments of 10 pounds each. I hope to get some "before" pics up soon, well maybe not until I have some "during" pics to post too.